RBC 2012 Awards

Every year the board recognizes members who have gone above and beyond for the club. This past year, 2012, proved to be no less than extraordinary. Some of those recognized have dedicated several hours over a number of years while others are recognized for work done within this past year.


President’s Award

Development Committee: Dick Gaver, Lisa Kunze, Lynn Osborn, and Severine Imbert de Smirnoff

RBC President, Igor Belakovskyi recognized Dick, Lisa, Lynn and Severine for their tireless effort towards Riverside’s development and fundraising effort. Stepping in as Riverside’s Development Coordinator, Lynn Osborn combined efforts with Dick and Lisa to develop a mission statement for Riverside to guide the membership:

Riverside Boat Club strives to support the attainment of its members’ rowing goals, from recreation to the highest level of international competition, and to promote the art and enjoyment of rowing, by providing safe facilities, quality rowing equipment, and coaching in a friendly, collaborative, social community.

Since then they have taken on countless other tasks ranging from populating the Riverside sub-committees to having facilities drawings produced as RBC looks to the future.

Severine joined the Development Committee to chair the Fundraising Committee. In her first year, with help from countless other members, she helped organized three important events (100th Anniversary Celebration, 9/15 Olympic evening – silent auction, and a stewardship cocktail evening) that has lead to raising $236,721 in 2012.

Service Awards

Mary O’Neill
Mary had dedicated countless hours and years of service previously leading the Building and Grounds Committee. She had to deal with a range boathouse issues from broken urinals, to a broken boiler to managing the energy efficiency of fans in the boathouse. Essentially, she’s helped keep Riverside running! In general Mary helps Riverside be mindful of important concerns and membership contribution while always keeping Riverside’s best interest at heart.
Katy Ruderman
At times, Katy is a Riverside more than HPG rowers. 2012 marked her first year as co-chair for Cromwell Cup – by no means a small task. She is also a big reason why the Juniors have been well received in the infancy of the program. Whenever a volunteer task is up for grabs, Katy is the first to email a response to help get the Juniors involved with the task at hand.

Lib Diamond
Lib’s countless years of support for Riverside through her role as Director of Operations at Head of the Charles is no small feat and has been a great asset to Riverside (—as well as a great resource to find out what spot you’re at on the waitlist  for HOCR!). Well over a year ago Lib helped establish a policy for trailer cleanup to help clarify what teams need to take care of post-regatta. More recently she has helped lead the effort to outline a damage policy for the board to reference when equipment is damaged. Also in 2012, Lib lead the effort to formalize the General Membership meeting set-up. Riverside will greatly miss Lib when she moves to Denver in March.

Todd Milne
At the end of 2012, Riverside transitioned it’s communications to GroupSpaces and now has an online Membership Directory. This miraculous feat could not have been done without the hours upon hours Todd put into researching platforms, setting it up, testing it and eventually implementing the change. His role on the Membership Committee has been incredibly valuable and boathouse communications are constantly improving with his guidance and continually maintenance of the the directory.

Rookie of the Year

  • Kelly Woodacre

  • Antonia Villa

Both Kelly and Antonia stepped up to lend a hand with various volunteer activities. They volunteered so often it was impossible not to have met them along the way – Riverside is lucky to gain members like them!


9/15 event, An Olympic Evening Committee: Amanda Milad, Antonia Villa, Ed Frankenberry, Katie Ward, Katy Ruderman, Kelsea Gusk, Laurissa Gulich, Mike Farry, Severine Imbert de Smirnoff, Stephanie Bakkum

This exceptional group of volunteers helped organize the first annual silent auction for Riverside. The event was held at Cambridge Boat Club and everything from caters to silent auction prizes was arranged and managed by this group. A total of 75 tickets were sold and the total income was $11,185 for a net total of $6,052.



(most miles from Dec 1, 2011 – Dec 1, 2012)

  • Ilana Zieff (female)

  • Jake Georgeson (male)

Fob Award

(most used boathouse fob)

  • Laurissa Gulich (female)

  • Tom Keister  (male)

Bridge Award

Women’s Sweep