Board of directors

Riverside Boat Club is led by a Board of Directors, elected for a 1-year term each November, who are leaders within the club and greater Boston community.

The Board of Directors is advised by three Trustees, who serve as stewards of the organization by providing continuity of the Board’s vision and leadership.

Board email address: RiversideBC+Board(at)groupspaces(dot)com


Karen Chenausky

Email: president(at)
Member Since:
President Since:

From the Constitution: The President shall be the chief officer of the club and shall preside at meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. S/he shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. S/he shall communicate to the club such matters and make such suggestions as may in his opinion tend to promote the welfare and increase the usefulness of the club, and shall perform such other duties as necessary incident to the office.

In practice: Expected to take a leadership role in most major initiatives at Riverside, including operations, facilities, fundraising, and development. Works closely with the Captain on the daily operations of the club, the Treasurer on the financial status of the club, the Vice President on membership issues and Secretary on communications, as well as the various committee heads in their roles. Also responsible for candidate searches and recruiting for open volunteer leadership roles, coaching and other positions. Responsible for relationships with college and high school program partners, including contract negotiations and high level meetings. Works with the Development Committee on long-term strategic goals for the club. Needs to be easily reachable most of the time (email or phone). Needs to be able to delegate responsibly. As a member of the Board, the President is also expected to weigh-in on Board decisions and help guide Riverside.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 5 to ~20 hours/week *depends on the status of initiatives in progress. President is a member ex officio of all committees

vice president

Graeme calloway

Email: vp(at)
Vice President Since:
Member Since:

From the Constitution: The Vice President shall perform all duties of the president during the absence of the president. S/he shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and shall be chairman of the Membership Committee.

In practice: The Vice President’s principal job is to serve as the chair of the Membership Committee and represent the interests of both new and existing members at large. The Vice President coordinates orientations and Membership Committee meetings to welcome new members to Riverside and communicate the club’s core values. The role has a large focus on executive leadership in all boathouse initiatives and collaborates closely with the President.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 4-20 hours per week. VP is a liaison for Social, Membership Team, Community and Alumni Committees.


Liane Douglas

Email: rbctres(at)
Treasurer Since:
Member Since:

From the Constitution: The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended for use of the club and shall make disbursements authorized by the Board of Directors. All sums received shall be deposited by him in a bank or banks approved by the Board of Directors, and s/he shall make a report at the annual meeting or when called upon by the President. Funds may be drawn only on the signature of the Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer, under the approval of the Board of Directors, may be delegated to an assistant treasurer. The funds, books, and vouchers in his hands shall at all times be subject to verification and inspection by the elective officers of the club. At the expiration of his term of office, the treasurer shall deliver to the successor all books, money, and other property of the club.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 5 to 20+ hours/week. Treasurer is a liaison to the B&G, Development, and Sub Finance committees.


MATs Terwiesch

Email: mats [dot] terwiesch (at) riversideboatclub [dot] com
Secretary Since:
Member Since:


From the Constitution The Secretary shall issue all notices, keep a record of the meetings of other members of the club, the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of other matters concerning which a record shall be at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any senior member of the club. The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence pertaining to the office and shall have custody of the seal, if any, of the club.

In practice: The Secretary is expected to gather and post agenda items for board meetings, provide the membership with meeting reminders, record monthly minutes at the Board Meeting and four times per year at the General Membership meetings. Records should also be kept for all Town Hall meetings.

Additionally, the Secretary manages all key dates for meetings, arranges the meeting set-up, and posts notices to the membership for the Osborn Scholarship (Feb), award nominations (Nov), and Board election sheets. News announcements on the membership directory and calendar dates via GroupSpaces also fall under the secretary’s responsibilities. As a member of the Board, the Secretary is also expected to weigh-in on board decisions and help guide Riverside.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 3 to ~12 hours/week. Secretary is the liaison to the Annual Report, Communications, History and Archives, Development, Sub-Financing (including Gala), IT, and the Website.

Senior captain

matt schonewald

Email: captain(at)riversideboatclub(dot)com
Captain Since:
Member Since:

From the Constitution: The office of Captain is held by two senior members, each of whom have two-year terms. During the first year of service, the member serving as Captain shall be referred to as the “Deputy Captain”, and during the second year of service, the member serving as Captain shall be referred to as the “Senior Captain”. The Deputy Captain shall assist the Senior Captain in fulfilling all the duties and responsibilities of the office. Together the Senior Captain and the Deputy Captain shall have charge of club equipment and the placement of members’, visitors’, and invitees’ boats and their use and storage under the direction of the Board of Directors, shall see that proper repairs are made and equipment furnished, shall enforce the rules of the club relating thereto, and shall ex-officio be members of the Regatta Committee.

In practice: The Captain, as the representative of the Board, is responsible for and has authority over, all club equipment and all water-related activities. Also, the Captain should have knowledge of basic boat setup, rigging, repair, construction, and maintenance.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 5 to ~20 hours/week. Senior captain is the liaison to the Masters Men, Masters Women, and the Captains Committee.

deputy CAPTAIN

nick tsantes

Email: nick(dot)tsantes(at)

Co-Captain Since:

Member Since:

From the Constitution: The Deputy Captain shall assist the Senior Captain in fulfilling all the duties and responsibilities of the office. Together the Senior Captain and the Deputy Captain shall have charge of club equipment and the placement of members’, visitors’, and invitees’ boats and their use and storage under the direction of the Board of Directors, shall see that proper repairs are made and equipment furnished, shall enforce the rules of the club relating thereto, and shall ex-officio be members of the Regatta Committee.

In practice: The Deputy Captain is assisting the Senior Captain in fulfilling all the duties and responsibilities of the office. As Deputy Captain s/he has responsibility for and has authority over, all club equipment and all water-related activities. Also, the Deputy Captain should have knowledge of basic boat setup, rigging, repair, construction, and maintenance.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 5 to ~20 hours/week. The Deputy Captain is the liaison to the Open Men, Open Women, and the Captains Committee.


In practice: The role of trustee is held by three senior members, each of whom have three-year terms. Each year, one of the three trustees is up for election. The Trustees ensure continuity of the Board vision and carry knowledge to new Board members as stewards of the organization. Each Trustee engages as a leader in at least one standing committee of the Board, selected through consultation with the Board and committee leaders. Trustees are expected to actively develop and mentor Riverside leaders and to participate enthusiastically in membership, community and alumni communications and fundraising.

Weekly volunteer requirement: 5-10 hours/week


Libby Boghossian

Email: libby(dot)boghossian
Member Since:
Trustee Since:
Liaison to: Sustainability, Regatta- Cromwell

Alexis Belakovskiy

Member Since:

Trustee Since: 2022
Liaison to: Board, Coaches. HPG, Scullers, Safety, Insurance and risk Management


Member Since:
Trustee Since:
Liaison to: DEI