Annual award of rack privileges


Storage of boats at Riverside, including boats stored temporarily outside on racks or trailers require permission from the Captain.

There are a number of private indoor racks at Riverside for an annual cost additional to membership dues. Rack holders and applicants must be members in good standing and must row for Riverside in all regattas, unless special permission is granted by the Board.

Racks on the Riverside trailer are reserved for High Performance Group (HPG) members in order to alleviate pressure on the club fleet. These spaces are limited and awarded at the discretion of the HPG coach and the Captain. Holders of trailer racks are subject to the same requirements as holders of other racks, including paying the relevant fees, and must reapply each year. HPG athletes who leave the group must relinquish their trailer racks and reapply for a rack, with no guarantee of receiving one.

Annual boat mileage is calculated from January 1 to December 31. Failure to comply with the rack requirements will result in forfeiture of the rack. Current and prospective rack-holders shall file a Rack Application with the Captain each season.

The entire pool of eligible applicants is discussed case-by-case by the Board to determine each applicant’s merit based on the criteria listed below. The Captain assigns all available rack spaces to applicants in the order determined by the Board. Applicants who do not receive rack spaces remain on the rack list in no particular order and assignment will continue based on the criteria below. The receiver of a rack assignment has six months to fill the rack after which time the assignment expires. The Board may temporarily assign an unoccupied rack.

The criteria for both inside and outside racks are as follows:

  1. Service to the club: (minimum of 10 hours) by participation in: Work parties, Concessions, Special assignments, Committee work, Committee chair, Board of Directors

  2. Boat Mileage Requirement: The following mileage requirements must be fulfilled within a year beginning January 1:
    - Under 45 years of age at least 500 miles/year
    - 45 to 55 at least 400 miles/year
    - Over 55 at least 300 miles/year

  3. Seniority: Being a Senior member.

  4. Sharing a boat: Consideration shall be given to applicants who propose a sharing arrangement. The total miles the boat is rowed will be used in determining whether the mileage requirement is met.

  5. Having paid one’s previous and current year’s dues and rack fee on time. 

Rack-holders must re-apply each season, and their service to the club, committee work, and other membership obligations will be reviewed prior to re-award of rack. Rack-holders are not guaranteed a rack for an entire year or in a subsequent year.

If a rack-holder is unable to consistently utilize the assigned rack because of injury or for any reason, then he or she must notify the Captain as soon as possible to make arrangements to share the boat or rack. If a rack vacancy (or inactivity) is addressed quickly, the rack holder will be assured a smooth return of their privilege when appropriate.

If a member leaves the club during the year, they forfeit their rack and it will be assigned to the next member on the waitlist. 

The Board of Directors may revoke a rack assignment at any time.